Author Topic: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion  (Read 2384 times)

Golden Oxen

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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2014, 12:39:45 am »


  Rowers take part in the Vogalonga, or Long Row, in the Venice lagoon, Sunday. The annual boating event features a 30 km (18.6 miles) course starting at St. Mark's Square. Manuel Silvestri/Reuters

Walter Johnson

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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2014, 11:22:11 pm »
Im renewing my passport at the moment, for a trip to Hong Kong and Macau next month so should have some nice fotos to share. I will probably visit Toronto in the next few months also and see some of the North East USA as well. Time and money will determine how far south I can venture though.

Golden Oxen

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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2014, 09:30:47 am »
Im renewing my passport at the moment, for a trip to Hong Kong and Macau next month so should have some nice fotos to share. I will probably visit Toronto in the next few months also and see some of the North East USA as well. Time and money will determine how far south I can venture though.

Enjoy, And your photos and thoughts will be most appreciated Walter. Folks tell me Hong Kong is utterly fascinating.


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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2014, 04:06:18 am »
Im renewing my passport at the moment, for a trip to Hong Kong and Macau next month so should have some nice fotos to share. I will probably visit Toronto in the next few months also and see some of the North East USA as well. Time and money will determine how far south I can venture though.
   Well how perfectly delightful GO. Wally is planning a trip to the northeast of the US some time soon. I guess northeast includes your neck of the woods being Boston, Massachusetts. And now this lovely gentleman is even politicking for amnesty for you and for your return to the Diner. Don't you just love it? This from a guy who thoroughly believes in "favors" in return for compliments. I guess wanting your return to the Diner so much is a big big compliment and would certainly warrant an invitation for a get together and sleep over with you at your home. Maybe even Joe Pee Pee who had such designs on your wife **** could join you and make it a very convivial foursome. What say you? Aren't you even going to get together with this upright friend and offer him a place to stay and a few drinks after all he is attempting to work out for you?

Golden Oxen

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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2014, 08:54:00 am »
Maybe even Joe Pee Pee who had such designs on your wife **** could join you and make it a very convivial foursome.

Good morning Karpatok. Just finished reading your gracious posting and it brought to mind your fine Victorian upbringing. I did a little research on Victorian finishing schools to try and find out how a gracious, well mannered, elegant cultured Victorian Lady such a yourself,  came upon such lovely and admired mannerisms and sweet writing skills. Most interesting.

Have come to the conclusion that I am much too crude and base a person to attempt to even answer a lady of such daintiness, sweetness, elegance and noble and cultured demeanor.

May I just bask in the sublime sunny atmosphere and spring like breeze of your presence and praise the Lord for you presence with my silence and awe?

                                                                                            Victorian Etiquette

Interested in what Victorian etiquette used to be?
Victorian roses       

In Victorian times, having manners and etiquette were as important as being educated.

A person's etiquette and manners were associated with their status and wealth, as much as the car one drives or house one lives in today.

Victorian Etiquette has its differences and do not wholly apply today, however it is fun to explore the its ways, a refined way of living in a romantic era, where chivalry and gentility were never again as prized and honoured.
Basic Victorian Etiquette & Manners:

Rising to one's feet when being introduced, or when someone enters the room.

Ladies do a little curtsey and men greet with a bow.

Never turn your back on someone. When you have to remove yourself from the attention or presence of someone, to answer a door, look out the window etc, you always asked to be excused.

Manners were scrutinized by others and often a talking point in conversations and gossip.

The wealthiest and most educated of families greatly emphasised the excellence of manners in education and practice of their family members.
Victorian Manners
teresa-stanton / CC BY 2.0                               

Emotions were often hid, especially if they were annoyed. It was habit to assume the best in people and situations. They take this etiquette so seriously their words sound empty because it was the opposite of how they felt. Perhaps that is how sacarsm originated. :)

In Jane Austen's novel, "Pride and Prejudice", Mr Darcy was trying to write a letter but was constantly interrupted by Mr Bingley's sister. She was very annoying with her barrage of opinions on what he should write. He simply said, (paraphrased) "Do allow me to convey your sentiments to my sister another time, I do not have room (in the letter) to do justice to your words."

How completely civil is that? I think most of us would probably go, "Shhh, I'm trying to write!"

Victorian Etiquette Manners To Increase Marriagebility

People without manners or bad manners were looked down upon. No one wanted to socialize with them.

Victorian Etiquette - The Key To A Victorian Woman's Future

Before finishing schools were implemented, the task of ensuring the education and training of their young daughters to become accomplished ladies often fell on the mother's shoulders.

They were important because that was a civil way to obtain husbands (by charming them with good manners) and to become good future wives. That was the complete future of their daughters - to gain a husband to take care of them for the rest of their lives. If a daughter remains unmarried, it would be the burden of her household to look after her forever.

Thus, Victorian Etiquette and Manners became one of the pre-occupation of females during victorian times.

It has always been ladies first. Men are trained in victorian etiquette to perform chivalry acts such as offering the lady a hand to go up her carriage. Ladies are never seen opening their own doors in the presence of a man, or carrying anything heavy.

It was rude to boast, brag or be pretentious. It was considered vulgar. One should always remain humble.

Grooming, Part of Victorian Etiquette
Victorian lady with beautiful comb                     

Grooming was of high importance.

No one came down to their breakfast in pajamas.

A lady's hair was always tied up in a chignon, in a bonnet unless she is still very young.

The ladies always dressed modesty, in good taste and in very feminine colours with beads, laces and ribbons.

It was frowned upon otherwise.
Victorian Etiquette Regarding Posture & Poise

Posture and carriage was of utmost importance.

Ladies were trained to carry themselves well. They studied their movements, working to be graceful from the way they lift their dress as they cross a step etc. Including, of course, how to stand, sit, walk. How to take the arm of a man escorting them to their next place of destination, eat, speak, greet, dance etc.

They were taught to have poise, to gesture gently and elegantly. To never be in a hurry or seem flustered.

Good posture and gracefulness were seen as part of a woman's beauty.

How To Be a Lady

Etiquette, 'How to be a lady' was considered part of an education of a female.

In Victorian times, the foundation of female loveliness is a natural beauty. That simply means that a woman's beauty must be natural, with fair and clear skin due to good health, rosy cheeks due to excitement and a zest for life, interesting eyes due to a sharp, educated mind.

Dress must be modest in feminine styles and colours are much preferred.

There was a greater distinction in dress between men and women in Victorian times. There was no room for ambiguity.
Victorian Etiquette - The Art Of Conversation

With less options of entertainment in Victorian days compared to modern day, the art of conversation was highly regarded. That was because of their way of entertaining and leisure.

Their social calendar would include, Afternoon teas, balls and dances, traveling to visit friends and family, going on walks, sports, watching someone paint or draw, hearing someone read or playing the piano. They often had company during those leisure activities. That is also who people develop friendships and acquaintances. If you didn't converse well, you probably would find yourself with less friends or social invitations etc. I suppose that is how they networked as well.

Their means of elegant entertaining also were in the forms of hosting teas, balls (parties) and dinners.

Ladies were judged by their manners on their upbringing. Their manners also reflected their class status, family's wealth and education. Even though, it wasn't always accurate. Interestingly, fine manners and etiquette was how shrewd ones deceived their way into marriages of wealthy partners, especially when they have a huge debt to repay. That worked both ways, men and women. So, the kind of manners a lady had were judged and determined the level of a man they would be entitled to marry. If they do not value their education of Victorian etiquette, there was a higher chance they might not get married or will not be able to "marry well".

Examples of these are echoed in Jane Austen's novels, 'Pride and Prejudice' and Sense and Sensibility.

Thank you for reading 'Victorian Etiquette'!


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Re: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2014, 07:39:46 pm »
Oh Golden Oxen, Thank you so much for your very onerous research into Victorian manners. Of course we all know that Jane Austen was writing during the last part of the 18th and unfortunately not during the Victorian period. But thank you for the great comparison to perhaps one of the foremost inventors of the modern novel even though I myself would make the comparison to George Elliot who wrote under a man's nom de plume even though her true name was Mary Ann Evans. And interestingly she was accused also of neglecting her domestic duties at home such as caring for her children and grandchildren. That is why she did most of her best writing in the wee hours of the morning so as not to take away anything from her dearly beloved family. So many kudos to you for your very uplifting tract. It is so sad though that your travelling companions are so bereft of that knowledge as you certainly are not. For in your great wisdom and knowledge and experience of the world, I am certain that you learned in true Victorian fashion yourself to never betray your true feelings nor let any of your high minded fellow travelers learn what you actually think of them.

Golden Oxen

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Re: The Commons Forum
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2014, 12:42:52 am »
 Well I see that Golden Oxen's  very special Golden forum is all the Anti Diners have left in which to express their disapproving  contrarian thoughts and dissent from the five foot shrimp vomiting over the airwaves below with his predictable semi paranoid party line. What else could be more normal than little sicko factions led by very sicko personalities revved  up by plenty of alcohol and drugs, sporting their tiny ego satisfaction in now complete censorship. Even the old Gasbag as well as the phony shrink will be reduced now to urinating in the bright and pristine corners of Golden Oxen's sanctorum of Gold. Why don't we just name it The Island of SANCTORINI and quickly bring in all the available prostitutes from Macau and Hong Kong in order to get them operating in virtual sexuality to service all those who just can't get no action even if they PAY.  Why hesitate a moment? Live for Defilement. Hurrah for Hedonism of the lowest kind. Vacations all around with no apologies. Enjoy to the utmost for soon this site too will probably vanish unless greater obeisance and scraping and bowing are not performed on the double. Here's to the Quadriviate ass lovers all. Personally I'm off to Tahoe for the rest of the summer. You sure can't beat those luxury hotels for supplying your every need from complete bikini waxing to gorgeously tanned Adoni. No need for those unattractive darkies left to having to either serve or PAY for their action. And then in the autumn, it's off to another place far far away. Wouldn't want to stick around for the invasion of immigrant Aussie trash and/or their progeny. All in good time, all in good time. How fortuitous that this has come about right at this very moment when I was hoping it would. Had to happen sooner or later. Much better now than later. Life is calling and WHO would desperately NEED to continue in this very trashy venue with all the lowlifes. But after all is said and done it was as the Gasbag would say,"a very valuable learning experience" about what evil lurks in the most unsuspected places. Fear not. I shall never return again. I will finally take that page out of Alan's book and make myself quite scarce. And what a great relief that will finally be to wash the rot and stink of ALL of DOOMSTEAD DINER off of my very being. BYE ALL I can't say it's been real.