Author Topic: Members Travel Topics & Photos Discussion  (Read 2400 times)


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Re: The Commons Forum
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2014, 12:42:52 am »
 Well I see that Golden Oxen's  very special Golden forum is all the Anti Diners have left in which to express their disapproving  contrarian thoughts and dissent from the five foot shrimp vomiting over the airwaves below with his predictable semi paranoid party line. What else could be more normal than little sicko factions led by very sicko personalities revved  up by plenty of alcohol and drugs, sporting their tiny ego satisfaction in now complete censorship. Even the old Gasbag as well as the phony shrink will be reduced now to urinating in the bright and pristine corners of Golden Oxen's sanctorum of Gold. Why don't we just name it The Island of SANCTORINI and quickly bring in all the available prostitutes from Macau and Hong Kong in order to get them operating in virtual sexuality to service all those who just can't get no action even if they PAY.  Why hesitate a moment? Live for Defilement. Hurrah for Hedonism of the lowest kind. Vacations all around with no apologies. Enjoy to the utmost for soon this site too will probably vanish unless greater obeisance and scraping and bowing are not performed on the double. Here's to the Quadriviate ass lovers all. Personally I'm off to Tahoe for the rest of the summer. You sure can't beat those luxury hotels for supplying your every need from complete bikini waxing to gorgeously tanned Adoni. No need for those unattractive darkies left to having to either serve or PAY for their action. And then in the autumn, it's off to another place far far away. Wouldn't want to stick around for the invasion of immigrant Aussie trash and/or their progeny. All in good time, all in good time. How fortuitous that this has come about right at this very moment when I was hoping it would. Had to happen sooner or later. Much better now than later. Life is calling and WHO would desperately NEED to continue in this very trashy venue with all the lowlifes. But after all is said and done it was as the Gasbag would say,"a very valuable learning experience" about what evil lurks in the most unsuspected places. Fear not. I shall never return again. I will finally take that page out of Alan's book and make myself quite scarce. And what a great relief that will finally be to wash the rot and stink of ALL of DOOMSTEAD DINER off of my very being. BYE ALL I can't say it's been real.